National Defense Network Radio Show

Host Randy Miller discusses topics of interest to veterans and interviews guests on a wide variety of topics.

image of Kelsi-Sheren

Kelsi Sheren

We welcome back artillery gunner vet Kelsi Sheren to the program to discuss her Brass & Unity line of accessories and her sensational new book “Brass & Unity: One Woman’s Journey Through the Hell of Afghanistan and Back.” Randy and Kelsi talk about a wide range of topics in this great interview, including her new book, podcast, the state of veteran care in Canada and the United States, and much more. We thank Kelsi for her service in Afghanistan, and her continued fire to advocate for those who have worn the uniform of the Armed Forces.

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image of Warhorse One movie poster

Johnny Strong

Randy speaks with actor Johnny Strong about his impressive filmography, including “Black Hawk Down,” “Fast and the Furious,” and his new movie “Warhorse One.” Warhorse One details the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, which is interesting because Johnny wrote the script two years prior to the actual events. Johnny discusses why he sought to make this military-action film and shares stories about the young actress he stars alongside.

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Amber and Marcus Capone

The National Defense is happy to welcome Amber and Marcus Capone to the show to discuss their Veterans Service Organization, V.E.T.S. Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions. Randy speaks with the Capones about Marcus’ time in the service and the treatment methods he and Amber sought when he struggled with P.T.S.D. and other related symptoms. Through VETS’ Foundational Healing Grants, they provide funding, coaching, and additional resources for veterans seeking treatment with psychedelic-assisted therapies.

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